Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Happy Birthday Mr. Prez?

August 4, 2009

President Barack H. Obama
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
Washington, D.C. 20500

Dear Mr. President:

Today, according to your autobiographical account, you turn 48 years old. I am asking you to use the occasion of your birthday to clear up a serious and rapidly growing controversy surrounding your presidency – a controversy regarding your birth.

I'm referring, of course, to your unwillingness so far to release publicly a document critical to the establishment of your constitutional eligibility for the highest office in the land. That document is a long-form certificate of live birth, better known as a birth certificate – the only document that can authoritatively establish the actual hospital of your birth and the attending physician.

Your spokesmen have tried to diminish and denigrate the importance of releasing such a document – claiming, in fact, that you have done so by the issuance of a "certification of live birth," a short-form document that cannot possibly be used as the basis for establishing your unquestionable constitutional eligibility as a "natural born citizen." The problem with the short-form certification is that it could easily be obtained for a birth that took place out of the state or out of the country. All it would take is the word of one parent.

You pledged to lead an administration that would be noted for its transparency and openness upon winning the presidency. Yet, you have demonstrated a shocking unwillingness to be transparent and open about your own life story. You've refused steadfastly to release simple personal documents such as your birth certificate, passport information and your college records and papers – the kinds of documents all other presidents and even presidential candidates routinely release for public and press scrutiny.

The American people are becoming more aware of this obstinacy on your part and are growing more deeply suspicious about what you may or may not be hiding.

As you celebrate your birthday this week, I join with other American citizens in asking you to do the right thing – release a copy of your long-form birth certificate along with all your college records and passport history.

As Americans face up to the tough challenges confronting them, it is critical that they have confidence in their representative government and their knowledge that the rule of law applies to everyone equally – including the president of the United States.



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