Monday, July 6, 2009


If you read the news that is not bought and paid for by the government, you will quickly learn that the U.S.A is not producing near the food that we should. America is in a recession and so are our farmers. Many farmers are encouraged to produced fuel type foods like corn because there is a higher price for the harvest. You will also learn that the major world agriculture producers have been suffering droughts for the past few years.

2 weeks ago in my local paper they had an article about the coming food shortage and warned it could be here as early as this fall 2009. I read an article about Canadian Troops to patrol US cities as food riots feared. How WRONG is that?!

What will you do when this happens? Run to the Government and ask for your share of the rations? That's what they are counting on! I suggest you learn to depend on your family and friends long before you even consider turning to the government for help.

Start stocking up on food right now. Some experts say a 3 day supply is good, some say a 3 month supply is good. Let me ask you this, if a food shortage does in fact happen, how long will it take to replace that food? I can guarantee you grocery shelves for billions of people cannot be restocked in 3 months.

Stock up on some frozen foods but be prepared for the coming electrical outages caused by man when he goes nuts looking for food. I suggest freeze dried and canned goods. Do you remember way back when, your mother or grandmother use to can their own stuff? There was a reason they did that..Cause they depended on themselves, not the government! Look into pressure canning, its an excellent way to preserve meat, vegetables, jams, preserves, etc.

Lets get back to the basics, lets take back control of our lives and of what we eat. Grow a garden, learn how to harvest the seeds from those plants and grow them again next year. Stay away from Hybrid seeds, they are genetically modified and are usually sterile. Use only heirloom seeds, those are seeds passed down from generation to generation. They are all natural, God created.

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