Saturday, February 5, 2011

The importance of proper nutrition

America has a huge problem with sickness and disease. Research is finding that many of these diseases we have are linked to poor nutrition. You might think you are healthy because you rarely get sick but what is going on inside your body is a war that you are unaware of.

You see, unless you live on a farm and grow your own heirloom vegetables, raise your own livestock without steroids or vaccines then you have been eating poison for many years. The information that is starting to be released about our food supply is frightening to say the least. Genetically modified vegetables, chickens and cattle given hormones to increase weight gain. The list goes on and on. Most foods we eat today come in a box and are highly processed leaving very little nutrition left for the body. As a result the body starts to break down. Some notice this break down faster then others.

What I am about to offer you is life changing!

You see, in Oct. of 2010 a friend of mine introduced me to a product called Vemma. I was told it is a vitamin and mineral supplement unlike anything on the market. There was clinical studies done to back this product and the company offered a 30 day money back guarantee. What did I have to lose right? So I gave it a try and within a few weeks I noticed a bit more energy. But that is nothing compared to what happened next. When I turned 20 I was diagnosed with psoriasis. Modern medicine has no cure for this disease and besides that modern medicine is proven to only treat symptoms not the cause and create more problems then it helps thus ensuring them return customers and billions of dollars.

About 6 weeks into taking Vemma the psoriasis started to go away. By December the psoriasis had all but disappeared! Today I am 99.9% clear! This is amazing I thought! So I was talking with my wife who suffers from arthritis, hot flashes and restless sleep. She too was noticing some changes. Her arthritis no longer hurt, she no longer suffers from hot flashes and she sleeps great!

With results like this I had to share this discovery with people. I now have friends who have some amazing testimonies, here are but a few:

Me: psoriasis, lowered blood pressure
My wife: arthritis, hot flashes, sleepless more
My mom: more energy, completely off all medication and feels better then she has in years!
My karate student: no longer has digestion issues
Friend from church: diabetic, off all insulin and has A1C counts of 6 now from 10
Another friend had hyper thyroid and doctors wanted to remove it. Now thyroid is normal and no medication was taken.
Another was allergic to 8 common foods and had IBS, no more IBS and now eats all 8 of those foods.
Friend suffered from depression and anxiety, no longer.
Friends are diabetic and had A1C counts of 10 and 12, now are off insulin and counts are 6 and 7.
Another friends mother has fibromyalgia, after taking Vemma their symptoms, aches and pains are gone!

This list goes on and on. If you are serious about your health you have to give this stuff a try, it is the real deal and I absolutely love it!

There is some pretty good credibility behind this product as well.
Dr. Oz endorses this, they are partnered with Childrens Miracle Network and Presbyterian Childrens Hospital and well as the NBA. Verve is the official energy drink of the Phoenix Suns and Mercury as well as Charlotte Bobcats.

If you are ready to change your life then click this link to go to my website and place an order!

Here is a small list of testimonies from people.

Vemma is a supplement and therefor not regulated by the FDA. This is a good thing because the FDA are the same ones who are allowing the pharmaceutical and food companies to poison us. Vemma has higher standards then the FDA and submits themselves to outside testing. Vemma is also unable to make any claims about their product because the FDA likes control. The people who use this product are the ones making the claims and it is based on their own personal experience.

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