Monday, October 31, 2011

Are you doing all you can to protect yourself?

In a world that continues to destabilize I can’t help but to consider the choices I make each day to protect myself and my family. Sure as a martial arts instructor it is my job to teach people how to defend themselves but what good is all that training if our bodies become sick and weak? If you could improve your health, should you? Would you?
I think the population is slowly becoming more and more aware that the foods we eat, the air we breath, even the water we drink is causing more damage to our bodies then we can handle. This is seen in the escalating cases of sickness and disease that continues to grow in higher numbers each year.

So one has to ask themselves, am I doing all I can to ensure I will be around and remain healthy as long as possible for my family? Or will I become sick and a burden? No one thinks of a sick family member as a burden but what if you could have prevented that sickness or disease? Is it wise to ignore your health and force others to care for you?
Did you know that 85% of all sickness and disease is related to poor nutrition? Sounds to me like something we can change but how? The foods we eat today are mostly processed garbage from a box or from a fast food place. We are so busy who has time to cook a nutritious meal? Even so, with heavy hormone and drug use in all meats and dairy, genetically modified vegetables, high concentrations of pesticides and harvesting foods before ripe to get them to a market thousands of miles away there is no longer any way to eat healthy when shopping at a super market. So what options are left?

Well, there are two options I can think of, one is to grow your own heirloom vegetables and grass fed meat but who has the time for that? Who has the land? For most this is an option they are unable to even consider.

The next option is to supplement. We do not eat to fill our bellies, we eat to nourish our bodies, or at least we should. Many people already supplement, they take this vitamin or that vitamin and some even take a multivitamin thinking that is doing it’s job. Here is the reality, if you are taking a pill or capsule, research shows that only 5 to 18% is absorbed into the body, the rest is literally wasted! So essentially you are “dumping” your money down the toilet. Another consideration is that vitamins are worthless to the body without minerals. We use to get minerals from the vege’s we ate because they absorbed them from the ground they grew in. But then again we use to get vitamins from those vege’s as well. The minerals have been depleted from most large farm lands due too poor farming practice. They are trying to produce as much as possible as fast as possible to make money. This is true in all aspects of food production. Did you know they can take a chicken from egg to full grown in 21 days now? No wonder we are a sick nation!

We all need a high quality liquid supplement with all the vitamins and minerals required for true healthy living. You see research shows that a liquid supplement is absorbed up to 98%! The question now becomes which one?
I personally have done a great deal of research on supplements and what I have found is that a supplement should contain not only just vitamins and minerals but a natural anti-inflammatory, a high ORAC value in anti-oxidants to reverse the damage already done, create more energy and it should taste good.
There are few supplements that contain all listed above and even fewer that has such a long list of personal testimonies. Let me ask you, when was the last time you heard of someone overcoming a thyroid problem, diabetes, high blood pressure, arthritis, migraines, skin disease, cancer, liver problems or anything else for that matter from taking a multivitamin? My guess is never.

I have found Vemma to be my personal choice. After being on this product for 1 year I must confess, I absolutely love it and the way it makes me feel. To see my personal testimony I invite you to go to my website and have a look.

Since we should all be taking a supplement why not take one that pays us to use their product? When was the last time you got paid for taking any type of vitamin? These companies are making a killing off the uneducated public and their not even getting the health benefits they pay for!

Stop wasting your money and stop wasting your life. Get on a GOOD liquid supplement and start today! Maybe Vemma is not for you but I would seriously compare it with what ever it is your taking. You should not skimp on things such as your health. They say an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

If you would like to read more about Vemma then I invite you to go to my website

Here’s to a long and healthy life!